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uProfile September 2024 - Janae Cram

Junior Developer to Tech Lead, with Community Connections Along the Way

Janae Profile
Written by Janae Cram

In this post we hear from Janae Cram, a seasoned Tech Lead at ProWorks Corporation  in the US, with 16 years of experience working with Umbraco. From her early days as a junior front-end developer to her current role in technical leadership, Janae has become a prolific Community contributor and a recognisable, friendly face at many an event. Ready to connect people, share stories and impart experience and knowledge to help others, forging friendships along the way.

  • Name: Janae Cram
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Company name: ProWorks Corporation
  • Role: Tech Lead
  • Country/region: Washington State, US
  • Working with Umbraco for: 16 years


Janae Cram

Janae’s Umbraco Community engagement

I got involved in the Umbraco community as a baby junior front-end developer when I first started working for Mindfly in 2008. My first experience with Umbraco was editing CSS in the backoffice - I think that was v2, but it might have been 3!

I’ve come in and out of participation over the years in a lot of different ways. I’ve presented at Codegarden before, helped with meetups, gone to CODECABIN (checked off my bucket list!), and even assisted in running the early US Festivals. These days I’m one of the founders of Skrift, I'm on the newly founded Community Advisory Board, and an active member and mod in discord! Oh, and I'm proud to be an Umbraco MVP!

Janae with her CODECABIN22 pals

Janae with her CODECABIN22 pals

A great CMS AND lifelong friends!

Being part of the Umbraco Community has not only allowed me to get help and offer my knowledge and experience with using this CMS, but it has connected me to people whom I consider close friends.

I’ve made such amazing, wonderful, lifelong friendships with members of the community. Erica Quessenberry, one of our other founders of Skrift, has remained one of my close friends long after we stopped working together, and I’m not sure if we would have kept up as strongly as we did (especially through COVID) without it! I’ve also had amazing opportunities to work for companies overseas, and meet people who have really uplifted me over the years. I can’t imagine my life without Umbraco.

Janae (right) with Erica, celebrating Janae's 40th birthday in Las Vegas

Janae (right) with Erica, celebrating Janae's 40th birthday in Las Vegas

New horizons

I have had a few different roles over my tenure working with Umbraco, at different agencies. I have just shifted roles at ProWorks to do less development and more technical solution architecture and leadership. It’s been quite the change, but I’ve been enjoying having a proactive role in making decisions for our projects. I’m excited to take some of these experiences over to my recent joining of the Community Advisory Board! It’s going to be a lot of fun!

I’m also excited to be speaking at the US Festival this year, and I am also hoping to pitch the Workshop I ran at Codegarden 2024 to some other festivals as a talk. But as an introvert I’m always balancing my “me time” with all the travel - we’ll see where the adventure takes me!

Janae attending as US virtual social hangout, with fellow US based Umbracians

Janae attending as US virtual social hangout, with fellow US based Umbracians

Top tips for joining the Community

First, it’s okay to be new. In fact, it’s awesome to be new! Second, don’t be afraid to ask questions, learn, and seek mentorship and advice. Third, “friendly” may be seen everywhere in Umbraco, but it’s not for show - it’s real, so believe it! Our community is genuinely kind and has great interest in bolstering and mentorship. The more you participate, the more you’re guaranteed to get back.

What I do for fun and other interesting facts

I’m a VTuber. I have a 3D model that I use to stream art and games. This is something I fell into completely randomly during COVID, and I didn’t have any idea that I’d like it. Who wants to talk to people a couple times a week while playing games when they’re an introvert?! I’ve been doing it for almost four years now and it’s so incredibly fun. I’m such a nerd, and I wouldn’t be any other way!

I’m obsessed with Monster Hunter - I’ve been replaying the Stories games as well as Monster Hunter World since I’m so excited for Wilds to come out this year!

I have a not so hidden talent, since I share it online, but I’m an artist! I love drawing and making pretty things. For example, I drew this entire design and animated it for my stream!
Wyspering: PNGTuber Plus Model Showcase

Janae's artwork Janae's artwork

Janae's artwork

Stay in touch!

I mainly use Twitter and LinkedIn, but you can also find me on Github


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