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New Hire to Umbraco HQ: Oana from Oradea to Odense

Oana has spent 4 years across 2 Danish cities

Written by: Oana Gui

Ambivert alert - our “sunny and edgy” new Fish Tank hire Oana is bringing her interests in economics and digital marketing to Umbraco 😎 Originally from Romania, Oana made her way to Denmark 4 years ago to study and explore. She might also bring us some delicious homemade dumplings soon (we’re keeping our fingers crossed) 🥟

Hi there, I’m Oana!

August kick-started many good changes for me. One of the top-listers is joining Umbraco part-time as an Office Management Steward as part of the Fish Tank team.

Oana Gui

What I’ll do on the daily

Mostly I will track customer payments, helping both Umbraco and our customers have all payments in order. I’ll also do a bit of financial analysis and make nice looking pie charts and graphs.  

From this, you might think I am some sort of numbers genius. 

NOT AT ALL... but my courage is bigger than my love for math and Excel. Let me explain. 

This position is definitely something new for me, but I am not a complete stranger to it, as I did quite a bit of economics in my student years.

My true passion is Digital Marketing. I am a very creative person, and developing digital identities for small businesses is truly a joy for me. But I also enjoy learning new things, so that’s why I embraced (faster than the speed of light) this position in Fish Tank.

It’s a pleasure to be part of such a team and company of hard-working, friendly people.

A little about me

I am a ‘99 child and I lived in Oradea, Romania for the first 18 years of my life. In my last year of high school, I decided it was time for something new. My brain said ADVENTURE and my finger was pointing to Denmark on the map.  

I’ve been in Denmark for 4 years now and hold a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing – Management + Innovation and Entrepreneurship. I moved from Aarhus to Odense in August 2020 and am now becoming an Umbraco team player.

Oana's desk with balloon at Umbraco HQ

My personality is both sunny and edgy; I am an ambivert and according to all my friends, I am a funny person (not empirical data).


In my free time

I am a beginner in Danish, and all my free time in 2021 made me decide it’s finally time to learn. Slowly but surely, I hope I will be able to master the language. 

Honestly, I think I am only doing it to order Danish food and pastries like a pro in restaurants because they are sooo good.

French crepes with melted chocolate and fresh strawberry jam
Dumplings with pork and veggies

Plus, I love to talk food. My partner and I are always experimenting with recipes. Right now we’re focusing on Asian food. One day, I’ll bring some yummy dumplings to the office. 

Documentaries and podcasts also cover a big part of my entertainment time. On that note, let me recommend some good podcasts. My favorites are “Behind the Bastards,” “Stuff You Should Know,” and “Science Vs.”

See you soon - and stay tuned for dumplings!