World globe with clouds and Umbraco logo on it

Hosting Features

Available in our paid plans

Cloud hosting 

With Umbraco Cloud, we want to remove (or hide) all the tedious and time-consuming tasks that you have to do on all projects, allowing you to focus on creating value for your customers.

The infrastructure is built on Microsoft Azure which provides a world-class foundation and traffic is routed via Cloudflare. 

This makes it possible to spin up new multi-environment projects in a matter of minutes, complete with TLS certificates, deployment workflows, automated upgrades, and more. No setup or tedious configuration, just useful functionality.

Media is hosted on Azure blob storage to provide flexible resource offerings and served with advanced caching capabilities through Cloudflare.

And then it’s all the benefits, flexibility, and editor-friendliness you get from Umbraco CMS. In fact, we call Umbraco Cloud the best home for your Umbraco website project.


Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Automated upgrades 

We keep your sites up to date with the latest patch release of Umbraco CMS - automatically (such as 9.1.X). Patch releases are where you find fixes for bugs as well as the latest security fixes.

For minor upgrades (such as 9.X.0) and major upgrades (such as X.0.0), you are required to test and approve the site in a separate environment - which can be done from the day of release. When ready, you upgrade the live environment with a single click. Upgrades are tested on clones of real customer sites before being rolled out. These releases are not automatic - but they are fairly close, saving you a ton of time when it comes to keeping your projects up to date with the latest features and improvements. 


Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Automatic HTTPS/TLS 

Secure sites shouldn’t be a paid add-on. In Umbraco Cloud, it comes as a standard in your hosting solution. Many hosting providers ask for an extra fee to keep your sites' TLS certificates up to date - we won't. Via Cloudflare, we make sure to keep your site's HTTPS lock a reassuring green color for your visitors for one or multiple domain names. You can of course choose to use a custom certificate should this be a requirement.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 


Umbraco Cloud uses the proven and solid foundation of Microsoft Azure to give your site’s the best of infrastructure, performance, and security. Your sites have multiple safety nets so one point of failure does not see your site go down. 

Plus, all Umbraco Cloud sites benefit from the highest standards of privacy and data security under which Azure is governed and falls under the EU Data Protection Directive.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Flexible environments 

All plans come with a Live environment which you can clone to your local machine and off you go! Depending on your workflow, you may need more environments for feature testing or content staging. Our plans include the option to add extra environments so you can adapt and change as needed.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

One-click deployment 

With Umbraco Cloud, your live site is healthily kept in its own protected environment. New features can be developed and tested in separate environments and when you’re happy with the new features, you simply click a button to deploy the changes. Umbraco Cloud wraps up everything needed and deploys it safely to your live site. This makes it easier and faster to work in a truly agile manner, all while making sure that your crucial live website stays intact and running.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Prioritized resources 

Umbraco Cloud offers Prioritized Cloud Computing to Standard, Professional, and Enterprise customers in multiple tiers. With Prioritized Cloud Computing your website will have increased CPU bandwidth, allowing for more complex operations and spikes without operational challenges in the shared hosting environment of Umbraco Cloud.

We also offer Prioritized Database Performance to Standard, Professional, and Enterprise customers at two levels: Standard and Premium. With Prioritized Database Performance your website will have a higher database bandwidth available for intensive database background jobs or increased performance requirements for the website.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Dedicated hosting 

The option to have your live site completely separated from the rest of the Cloud can be useful in certain situations. If you are experiencing performance issues with a site, it can help to debug while ensuring good performance. It can also bring peace of mind when large spikes are anticipated or if you require a dedicated server due to your company policy.

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Simple project management 

When you log in to Umbraco Cloud you get an overview of all your projects and can see the latest activities. From here you can zoom in on the specific project and see a changelog of who did what and when. You can also see if there’s anything wrong with the project including an overview of any errors that might have occurred on your website. We know, it’s almost like cheating - you get the grand picture with almost no effort.

With a single-click invitation, you can quickly establish your team with flexible roles, permissions, and project access. Perfect for managing your team, working with external contributors, or giving clients access to review, test, and provide feedback along the way!

The Umbraco Cloud portal allows your team to see progress unfolding in real-time enabling true collaboration!

Feature available in: 

❌  CMS: Not available

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

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