A white water bottle and blue tennis shoes

Performance Features

Clean code 

Our aim with Umbraco is to always make it simpler - simpler meaning faster, more intuitive, and perhaps most importantly, ensure that it doesn’t get in the way of your code. By giving you a neat and clean start, you are able to configure your site just the way you want it to. No extra, unnecessary code, no bloat, and no limitation as to where you want to take it.

If you know your way around C# and .NET, getting familiar with Umbraco is a breeze. If not, there is plenty of learning material and training courses to help you hit the ground running. Because Umbraco sticks to the conventions and patterns of the underlying .NET framework you will also find countless pages, videos, and courses all over the web that will help you get better at both C#, .NET, and Umbraco.


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Razor templating 

Umbraco’s built-in template and rendering engine are based on MVC and Razor views. Utilizing Razor templates for rendering Umbraco content allows you to benefit from automatically generated templates when you’re creating your types and models. You can take full advantage of Umbraco Modelsbuilder with IntelliSense on all Document Types and properties making development faster and less error-prone.

You also get a ton of Umbraco-specific helper methods in Razor views that enables you to query and traverse content efficiently, crop images, work with authentication, and more. All of this is on top of all the things you normally expect from Razor views. 

While the rendering pipeline is adjusted to work with Umbraco content, it is still “just” MVC Razor views. There are no constraints on how you build up your markup, you have total freedom over how your site looks and feels. You can add the JavaScript and CSS needed for the site, the only restriction is your imagination.


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

❌  Heartcore: Not available

Built-in caching 

Everything that is published with Umbraco is cached for easy and fast access whether you’re rendering in a view or working with the content in other areas. The built-in caching layer is fully customizable with an open API that allows you to cache external data, hook into various caching events, and more. You’ll also find tools to manage and check the status of currently cached items directly in Umbraco’s backoffice.

If you need more specialized caching for specific areas you are free to use other caching approaches as well whether it’s to add Donut caching in the Umbraco application or utilizing DNS caching.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

"Search" is an important part of most web projects today, that's why Umbraco has a built-in search engine: Examine.

Examine makes sure to index content and makes it searchable both in the backoffice and for frontend implementations. Examine is flexible and highly customizable allowing you to extend the capabilities to fit the needs of a specific project.

Whether you need to adjust a query, add optional filters, or advanced functionality such as spatial search or indexing PDF content, it's all possible.

Examine is based on Lucene, one of the most popular technologies for single sites and internet search engines. Examine integrates Lucene with Umbraco and offers the capability to enrich content with external data, create custom indexes all powered by a fluent API that makes it easy to work with.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

MVC based architecture 

Umbraco runs on the latest and greatest .NET technology and stays very close to the standard conventions and patterns. As such, Umbraco builds on the MVC architecture and extends the default controllers and views from ASP.NET Core to provide Umbraco-specific functionality. 

This should make learning Umbraco easy if you know .NET MVC, and means you can also make use of the great tutorials and learning material available for ASP.NET Core as well as the training and documentation made specifically for Umbraco.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

❌  Heartcore: Not available

Solution Health Check 

Umbraco Health Checks cover a wide variety of areas and lets you easily check and identify issues or potential for optimization. Running the Health Checks is done with the click of a button either for a specific area such as “Data integrity” or you can run all of them at once to get the full overview. 

Health Checks also cover basic security measures ensuring your site is not vulnerable to cross-site scripting, is HTTPS enabled, and more. If any issues are found you’ll even be guided to how you can mitigate these.

As with all things in Umbraco, Health Checks are extendable. You can find packages that add custom Health Checks or even create your own, allowing you to tailor it for a specific project or client.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

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