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Support Features

Available in our paid plans

Live chat support 

With Umbraco Cloud Platform Support you are not left alone when working on the Umbraco Cloud platform. From the very first time you log in to Umbraco Cloud, a smiling face will pop up from the chat box in the bottom right corner. They are our Umbraco Cloud Support Hero's - famous for being super helpful, knowledgeable, and extremely friendly and their most honorable quest is making sure you have a great experience with Cloud. So don’t hold back - any Umbraco Cloud related questions and they’re there for you ❤️

If you’re looking for extra support that goes beyond Cloud functionality, this is available on our Professional and Enterprise Cloud plans. 


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Professional and Enterprise

✅  Cloud: All plans

✅  Heartcore: All plans

1-on-1 consultations 

You wouldn’t start building a house without consulting an architect or building engineer, would you? Well, if you want a stable, reliable, and beautiful house you wouldn’t. The same goes for your new Umbraco project. With Architectural Advising we make Umbraco-expert-eyes and brains available to you to get your project off to the best possible start. We provide you feedback on your blueprint so you can be calm and confident when you finally have to click the big “launch” button. We believe it is cheaper, better, and more fun to prevent a problem than to repair it later. 

Ever encountered an issue you struggled with solving, ending up with you spending ages staring intensely at your code without getting anywhere? Trust us - it happens to many. With Code Review you can save yourself from this agony by having a fresh set of Umbraco-expert eyes have a look at the piece of code that's holding you back.


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Enterprise 

✅  Cloud: Enterprise 

✅  Heartcore: Enterprise 

Guaranteed response time 

With a guaranteed response time you’re sure that we will get back to you - you’re not left alone, no matter how big or small an issue or question you might have. We guarantee that we’ll get back to you within 24-hours during business hours. However, our average response time is significantly lower, so you won’t have to wait long to hear from us. Response time for Umbraco Enterprise customers is usually 8 hours but is agreed upon based on needs. 

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Professional and Enterprise

✅  Cloud: All plans

✅  Heartcore: All plans

Flexible pricing 

The amount of support needed depends on the project or portfolio of projects in an agency. We offer a wide range of support options for both our Cloud options and on-premise Umbraco installations. Enterprise support agreements can be tailored to fit and you even get support included in some of our partner programs. Reach out to us and let’s see if there’s a plan that fits you - if not, we’ll make a custom deal.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Professional and Enterprise

✅  Cloud: All plans

✅  Heartcore: All plans

Dedicated account manager 

After you’ve chosen your Umbraco plan and got officially onboarded, you’ll be all set to use our support channels. But should any issues or questions arise in regards to support or the support agreement itself, we've got you covered. You will be assigned a dedicated account manager which means that you will always have someone you can call or write an email to. Your very own friendly Umbraco buddy, if you will.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Enterprise 

✅  Cloud: Enterprise 

✅  Heartcore: Enterprise 

Let us show you around

See firsthand how the latest version of Umbraco works - and more importantly, how it can work for your team. Get a personalised tour - start with a discovery call

Book a discovery call

All demos are done in the latest version of Umbraco

Personal onboarding 

To ensure that you get the most value out of the Umbraco plan you’ve chosen, our paid plans include an official onboarding procedure. We will schedule an online meeting where we will guide you through everything the plan entails and set you up within our systems. The onboarding program includes showcasing how to submit support tickets, how to start a chat conversation and you will also be introduced to the issue tracker, relevant training channels, and documentation among other necessary information to set you off on the right track. 

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Professional and Enterprise

✅  Cloud: Professional and Enterprise

✅  Heartcore: Professional and Enterprise

Bugfix warranty 

With our Bugfix Warranty, you can be certain that, if you, we, or someone else finds a defect in the Umbraco CMS, it will be addressed and fixed in a timely manner. We guarantee a fix within 7 business days from the date of confirmation for defects in the Umbraco CMS that are considered of the highest severity (severity level 1) or relate to security. With this warranty, you can work with Umbraco with peace of mind knowing that we don’t rest on our laurels as we want to offer you the best and safest foundation for you to create your projects.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Enterprise

✅  Cloud: Enterprise

✅  Heartcore: Enterprise

On-call backup team 

Need extra reassurance when you finally click the “Launch” button on that big, business-critical project? With Hyper Care you’re able to book experts from Umbraco HQ to stand by, making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. If there’s an issue, we’ll be on it ASAP. Extend your team for the important launch - just in case - and be able to celebrate in style and afterward, sleep like a baby. HyperCare is exclusively offered to our Umbraco Enterprise customers.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Enterprise

✅  Cloud: Enterprise

✅  Heartcore: Enterprise

Issue Escalation 

Getting help and advice is one thing. Sometimes you need things fixed and with the ability to escalate critical issues you can rest assured that the problem you’re facing will be dealt with in a timely fashion. Your Enterprise support plan will be built to fit your business' and sites’ specific needs and demands, so you can be sure that we’re here, fast, when you need us to be.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Enterprise

✅  Cloud: Enterprise

✅  Heartcore: Enterprise

Let us show you around

See firsthand how the latest version of Umbraco works - and more importantly, how it can work for your team. Get a personalised tour - start with a discovery call

Book a discovery call

All demos are done in the latest version of Umbraco

Loved by developers, used by thousands around the world!

One of the biggest benefits of using Umbraco is that we have the friendliest Open Source community on this planet. A community that's incredibly pro-active, extremely talented and helpful.

If you get an idea for something you would like to build in Umbraco, chances are that someone has already built it. And if you have a question, are looking for documentation or need friendly advice, go ahead and ask on the community forums.

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