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Lucky Orange

Website tools to improve your user experience and increase conversions

Lucky Orange can help you understand why your website is getting traffic that doesn’t convert into sales. Our conversion rate optimization tools have been trusted by websites around the world to gain insight into what people are doing on their website. Lucky Orange includes heatmaps, visitor recordings, chat, announcements, surveys, form analytics, conversion funnels and more. These tools help you to improve website visitor engagement, enhance user experience and satisfaction and grow sales.

Dynamic Heatmaps

See which parts of a page drive people to convert and which parts get in their way. Watch as clicks, moves and scrolls are immediately populated on every element, drop-down, pop-up and hover-over menu. Isolate certain devices, traffic sources and visitors to identify potential pain points and problem areas.

Session Recordings & Conversion Funnels

Watch everything a visitor does on your site to see their journey to conversion. You can also set up conversion funnels to quickly see where people abandon their path to conversion on your website.

Live Chat & Live View

Deliver real-time customer support and use collaboration tools to provide the best response every time. Build lasting relationships by helping people exactly when they need it with event- and time-based triggers. Live view allows you to see exactly what your customer sees — in real time. Watch live as customers navigate your website for better insight into what's working and what's not.

Surveys & Announcements

Ask key questions to the right people and the right time with surveys. Use announcements to provide a discount code or product update to all visitors. Choose how they display on your site as a sticker or full-screen mode.

Form Analytics

Find out why people are abandoning your forms and fix these issues to reduce abandonment and increase your sales. Spot the fields visitors are working on before they abandon the form and identify fields visitors complete more than once to spot signs of trouble. Track how long a visitor is on a page before they start filling out the form.


  • Category: Analytics & Insights
  • Premium: No
  • License: Free

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