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Zuko Analytics

Optimize your Form Conversion

Zuko is a form analytics software platform designed to get more customers completing your forms and eCommerce checkouts. It identifies the questions and fields on your form that are causing visitors to abandon. By fixing these, you can increase the conversion rate of the form and deliver more new customers.

Are potential customers dropping out of your form and never returning? Zuko Analytics can show you when, where and why this is happening so you can fix your UX issues and increase the number of customers completing your forms and eCommerce checkouts.

Zuko is a software platform that is easy to install - no developers needed - that can start revealing insights about your form visitors behaviour quickly.

Zuko can answer questions like: 

- Which fields cause my visitors to abandon?

- How do visitors flow through the form?

- What error messages are being shown, and how often?

What fields do visitors return to most?

- Which field takes most time to complete?

- How does visitor behaviour vary by device?

- Is my form broken? When did it happen?

- Where do most people abandon our form?

- Which fields are the most problematic for our visitors?

Free trials are available - follow the link to sign up today.


  • Category: Analytics & Insights
  • Premium: No
  • License: Paid

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