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Hacktoberfest 2018 results!

Spoiler: it's good, REALLY good!! 🎉

Sofie Toft Kristensen
Written by Sofie Toft Kristensen

October has been a crazy Umbraco month! 3 festivals, 1 CodeCabin and on top of that, a million pull requests to our repositories - well, not quite, but close: 336! 😉 We joined in on the famous Hacktoberfest this year, and it’s been a huge success! Let’s talk numbers - oh, and swag of course 😏

The numbers are through the roof!

… and I mean that in a very literal way!

We broke all records on both the CMS and on the Documentation repository. It’s incredible! You guys are awesome!!

Yes, I know:“Picture, or it didn’t happen” - let’s start with the Umbraco CMS.


Numbers from the PR Team

Completely Mesmerizing Statistics (see what I did there?) for Hacktoberfest on the Umbraco CMS repository. To add some extra flair to the numbers, here’s how it looks if you go all the way back to 2013:

You don’t need to be a math genius to see how this October has broken ALL records. So freaking amazing.

The repository landed on a total of 166 pull requests created in October 🤯 And out of those, the PR Team has already processed 161. That’s right! 96% of all the PRs coming in during Hacktoberfest has already been merged or closed! 👏

Numbers from the Documentation Curators

Now, what about the Documentation repository? Well, have a look for yourself:


Remember how excited I was about the numbers after Codegarden 18? May 2018 was a record-breaking month for sure, and I am completely blown away by how we just keep on breaking records - and it’s all because of you guys!

So, what are we looking at here?

On the Documentation repository, we’ve received 162 pull requests during Hacktoberfest, and we’ve processed almost everything - 93%, to be exact - and we’re not even done with everything yet!

And remember, just because it’s Hacktoberfest and big numbers are festive, we're still handling every PR individually to ensure it fits our overall purpose of the CMS. That goes for all of our repositories. The contributions have simply just been super good, and that’s why we are pleased to have been able to merge so many of them!


What about the SWAG?

When we announced our plans for Hacktoberfest back in the beginning of the month, we dropped some hints about exclusive Umbraco Hacktober swag.

Now that October is over, it’s time that I spill the beans, wouldn’t you say?

Exclusive Umbraco Hacktoberfest swag is coming to everybody who’s had a contribution merged into any of the Umbraco repositories (CMS, Docs, Our, etc) during October 2018.

It’s not an automated process though, so if you want to receive some swag, keep on reading:

We’ll be contacting you through the PR you’ve sent us - Github will automatically send you an email about it, once we do!

There will be a link to a form that you need to fill out. We expect that the comments will be sent today! 👏

In order for us to start distributing the swag as soon as possible, we’ve set a deadline:

Fill out and submit the form provided to you in the email before November 21th 2018, and we’ll make sure some exclusive Umbraco Hacktoberfest swag will be coming your way 👏

As we are sending out a lot of swag to you all, it might not reach your doorstep before December, so please bear with us and be patient 🙏

H5YR ♥

It goes without saying, that we truly love all the attention that you’ve been giving our repositories this past month, but I’m going to say it anyway.

From everybody here at Umbraco HQ:


Here’s the complete list of everybody (111!) who contributed to an Umbraco repository during Hacktoberfest 2018:


Keep an eye on our blog for the next couple of weeks, as both the PR team and the Documentation team will be releasing some more details about what kind of contributions we’ve gotten throughout October.

Hacktoberfest 2018 has been a smashing success! We can’t wait to do it again next year 💪

On that note: Thanks again, and keep on contributing!

Until next time

- Sofie