Hand holding an Umbraco heart

Open Source Features


At its core, Umbraco CMS is open-source. To us, this means that we're open to collaboration and contributions from you. This is done in a structured approach managed by Umbraco HQ to ensure that the CMS continues to develop in the right and secure direction.

It also means that the source code for Umbraco is open and freely available. There’s no hidden functionality, data mining, or issues swept under the rug. All ongoing work, whether it’s driven by the Umbraco HQ or by the Umbraco community, can be followed by anyone directly on the Github repository.

And finally, everyone can audit and test the code for performance and security issues, and with more than 230,000 active developers all helping to ensure a high standard, Umbraco CMS is indeed constantly tried and tested thanks to being open-source.


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✔️  Cloud: Custom/Plugin/3rd party

❌  Heartcore: Not available

MIT License 

The Umbraco CMS is open source under the MIT license. This is the most popular open-source license currently in use and provides a well-known industry standard legal foundation for use of the software. 

The MIT license allows users such as web agencies, freelancers, students, your cousin to review and modify the source code for their own customization, curiosity, business, or troubleshooting needs. Being a community-based open-source system, any such modifications should not be needed as we accept contributions to the codebase as well as address issues reported. By contributing or reporting issues, you can help ensure functionality and security for everyone going forward.


Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✔️  Cloud: Custom/Plugin/3rd party

❌  Heartcore: Not available

Own your data 

Anything you build or process with Umbraco is yours. You own the codebase and all modifications and have full ownership over data. This means you can provide a transparent overview of ownership and customize workflows and transactions to adhere to data policies such as GDPR.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Let us show you around

See firsthand how the latest version of Umbraco works - and more importantly, how it can work for your team. Book a free, no-strings-attached 1-on-1 demo where our friendly Umbraco specialist will take you on a personalized tour of Umbraco. 

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All demos are done in the latest version of Umbraco

Community-driven improvements 

We have a wonderfully active community consisting of more than 220,000 developers worldwide of which a significant portion contribute back to the open-source project by providing feedback, raising issues, and contributing with features and fixes.

On top of that, we have some extra-talented and helpful community members that have joined our Umbraco community teams to help get community feedback and improvements to important areas of Umbraco.

All this ensures we are getting direct feedback from our users, be it developers or editors, in order to continue making Umbraco better and relevant for all.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

You can contribute 

The fundamental belief is that open source will make the product better than if it was closed source. It is also the key element for creating a culture of contributing and collaboration in the community of users. Everyone will be invested in making the product as good as possible, which in the end will result in more contributors to the project than if it was only a sole company or group controlling the source code.

Contributions can be made in the form of code contributions directly to the CMS which address issues or add improvements and new features. Umbraco’s documentation is also open-source and allows for contributions and corrections submitted by the community. Several community teams have also formed around both ongoing initiatives and smaller projects to both help other contributors and provide more direct interaction with Umbraco HQ and a more focused environment for contributions.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✔️  Cloud: Custom/Plugin/3rd party

✔️  Heartcore: Custom/Plugin/3rd party


Transparent Product Roadmap 

We believe that being as open and transparent as possible is the best way to continuously drive development and innovation in our products. It helps set expectations as well as allows users to give feedback based on solid knowledge of the products.

Everything that is proposed, improved, and patched can be seen on our open-source repository on Github. Our official Product Roadmap shows larger projects and features we’re working on now and in the near future. Every other week we provide an extensive look at what has happened in the past couple of weeks as well as what is coming up - for all our products. 

We also encourage you to give us your input, so we can take it in a direction that is best for our users. It doesn’t mean we do everything our community tells us to, but it means we make the decisions based on transparent information and open communication. We have open issue trackers for all Umbraco products, an engaged community forum, and a chat server, and we do Request for Comments in order to gather feedback before embarking on new big projects or implementing large changes. This is how we ensure that the direction we’re taking our products and services is aligned with the real, not assumed, needs of our users.

Feature available in: 

✅  CMS: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Cloud: Out-of-the-box 

✅  Heartcore: Out-of-the-box 

Let us show you around

See firsthand how the latest version of Umbraco works - and more importantly, how it can work for your team. Book a free, no-strings-attached 1-on-1 demo where our friendly Umbraco specialist will take you on a personalized tour of Umbraco. 

Book a live demo

All demos are done in the latest version of Umbraco

Loved by developers, used by thousands around the world!

One of the biggest benefits of using Umbraco is that we have the friendliest Open Source community on this planet. A community that's incredibly pro-active, extremely talented and helpful.

If you get an idea for something you would like to build in Umbraco, chances are that someone has already built it. And if you have a question, are looking for documentation or need friendly advice, go ahead and ask on the community forums.

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