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Privacy and Umbraco

How we protect your personal data

When you trust us with your personal data, it’s only fair that you expect us to protect it, handle it with the utmost care and respect it, thus, only use it for relevant purposes. That’s exactly the promise we give you. 


Umbraco Privacy Statement 

You trust us with your data, and we promise to use it responsibly. That's why we want to be transparent when it comes to what data we store, why we do it and how we safeguard it. 

Umbraco Privacy Statement

Umbraco and GDPR 

Umbraco has its headquarters in Odense, Denmark, which means that all our services and products need to be compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Learn about how we make sure to follow these regulations, what we've done to help our users become GDPR compliant and how we've made sure that the suppliers we use all meet the high standard of data privacy obligations around the world - whether that’s GDPR (EU) or the Privacy Shield Framework (e.g. US).

Learn more about Umbraco and GDPR

Loved by developers, used by thousands around the world!

One of the biggest benefits of using Umbraco is that we have the friendliest Open Source community on this planet. A community that's incredibly pro-active, extremely talented and helpful.

If you get an idea for something you would like to build in Umbraco, chances are that someone has already built it. And if you have a question, are looking for documentation or need friendly advice, go ahead and ask on the community forums.

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