Who am I?
I’m 20 years old and I currently study and live in Odense. I moved here exactly 1 and a half years ago after spending almost my whole life in Slovakia in a small city called Bytča. The reason why I said almost, is because I have spent one year of my high school studies in Utah, USA. This exchange year helped me gain knowledge in the Sales and Marketing area. And after a few part-time jobs in this field, I have decided that this is something I want to study and work with in the future.
So here I am, currently studying International Sales and Marketing Management at UCL, Odense and having my internship at Umbraco! And let me tell you - working in a friendly, international and professional company is the best experience I can get!
Now when you know why Umbraco is the best and it's obvious why I chose it, maybe you wonder: “Why did you choose Denmark?”. Well, once I heard about Hygge: “Quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment, or well-being.” And I feel like that’s the same as when someone says: “It’s easy peasy lemon squeezy,” but for me it’s always stressy, depressy, lemon zesty😂 But don’t get confused by my bad humor, I am loving it here in Denmark💗
Me outside of the “Work-Student” life…
I would say that I have always been a little bit of an adventurous soul. Travelling, exploring new places and meeting new people is what I enjoy the most because it helps me to gain knowledge of new countries and cultures.
But after all, it is always a good feeling to return home to Slovakia. Also if you're a fan of mountains, beautiful nature and hikes as I am, then I think Slovakia is really worth visiting 🌲