We love this time of the year. And the reason why is that we get to celebrate all the amazing, friendly, talented Umbracians who go above and beyond with their contributions. We’re truly blessed to have the best community out there - a big High-five-you-rock (H5YR) to you all!
As the tradition goes, every year we get to acknowledge and reward new extraordinary contributors with the title of Umbraco MVPs as well as re-reward the ones who keep amazing us with their contributions. This year is no exception, so get ready to give a big (virtual) applause to the following:
The 2021 Umbraco MVPs 👏
Benjamin Carleski
Busra Şengül
Carl Sargunar
Chad Currie
David Brendel
Frans de Jong
Joe Glombek
Mario Lopez
Michael Latouche
Owain Jones
Patrick de Mooij
Phil Whittaker
Richard Ockerby
Scott Brady
Sophie Neale
Tiffany Prosser
Tim Payne
The 2021 renewed Umbraco MVPs 👏
Alex Skrypnyk
Anders Bjerner
Anthony Dang
Bjarne Fyrstenborg
Callum Whyte
Carole Rennie Logan
Chriztian Steinmeier
Damiaan Peeters
Danny Lancaster
Dave Woestenborghs
Dennis Adolfi
Emma Garland
Emmanuel Tissera
Erica Quessenberry
Erik-Jan Westendorp
Heather Floyd
Henk Boelman
Jan Skovgaard
Janae Cram
Jeavon Leopold
Jeffrey Schoemaker
Karl Tynan
Kenn Jacobsen
Kevin Jump
Kyle Weems
Lars-Erik Aabech
Laura Weatherhead
Lee Kelleher
Lennard Fonteijn
Lotte Pitcher
Marc Goodson
Marcin Zajkowski
Matt Brailsford
Matthew Wise
Mike Masey
Nathan Woulfe
Nik Rimington
Owain Williams
Paul Seal
Paul Sterling
Poornima Nayar
Rachel Breeze
Ravi Motha
Søren Kottal
Tom Madden
Big congratulations and, once again, a huge H5YR to all 2021 Umbraco MVPs!
Read more about the MVP program right here.
Let’s celebrate - #UmbracoMVP2021 style!
Twitter is already on fire with all the 2021 Umbraco MVPs announcements 🤩
We’ve highlighted each of the new MVPs on the Umbraco Twitter, and gave a joined shout out to all the renewed ones ❤ Join in by giving a like, a #H5YR, a 🎉, a retweet - anything to recognize these new fantastic people that’s made the MVP list.
Aaand, if you’re a renewed MVP, tweet a picture of yourself with your MVP statuette and the hashtags #UmbracoMVP2021 #Umbraco - we’ll make sure to retweet!