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What is Documentation?

In the context of content management systems (CMS), documentation is a set of guidelines on how to use a particular CMS. As the word itself hints, documentation documents how to use a CMS.



  • Guidelines
  • Instructions
  • Manual


Umbraco Documentation

Umbraco Documentation aims to provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Umbraco CMS and Umbraco products such as Umbraco Forms, Courier or Umbraco Cloud. You can learn how to download and install these products as well as how to best maintain and use them afterward.

Umbraco Documentation is an open-source project hosted on GitHub. You can find and contribute to Umbraco Documentation on docs.umbraco.com. Contribution requires you to register as a user.


Your guide to Umbraco

When is Umbraco Documentation helpful? It is an especially handy place if you’re just starting out with any of the Umbraco products or services - that way you’re off to a great start from the very beginning.

That is because Umbraco Documentation stores the best practices for working with Umbraco services and products. You not only get general information about our products and newest features, but are also provided with detailed guides and tutorials for how to set certain features up.

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