
Download now, and you'll get: an interesting summary of how we’ve made an impact in the CMS industry, specifically our impact on partners and clients, the Umbraco community, people, and the planet 🌍

And you don't want to miss the feature piece on "Open Source and AI in 2023" by Umbraco CTO, Filip Bech-Larsen, nor our commitments for 2024 and beyond based on 5 specific UN Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.

Get the 2023 Umbraco Impact Report now

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Umbraco Impact report 2023 frontpage mockup
Umbraco Impact report 2023 spread mock up

2023: A Landmark Year for Umbraco

  • +40% growth in the sales and renewals of our products year-over-year

  • An uptake in Umbraco Cloud and Umbraco installs

  • 83 amazing and talented people were awarded the Umbraco MVP title 

  • Established the Umbraco Sustainability Community team

  • The Umbraco HQ team is a vibrant mosaic of 27 nationalities

Curious? Discover all the results and stories in the report. 

"AI is reshaping the landscape, yet the essence of the landscape remains unchanged. For a CMS platform like Umbraco, the advent of AI is paradoxical — it’s both revolutionary and not."

"Open Source and AI in 2023" by Filip Bech-Larsen, CTO at Umbraco.

Find the full article on page 17

Filip Bech-Larsen

Our Impact Journey Continues 

In the 2023 edition, we're excited to share our ambitious commitments for 2024 and beyond. Commitments based on 5 specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that resonate with our core values and mission to make a more positive impact in the technology industry. 

Learn more about our future commitments from page 62