d. Record Status and Record Payment Unique ID → these need to be hidden fields in the form, and they will hold the status of the payment (new, approved, failed, canceled) and the unique ID of the payment. The unique ID of the payment is very important as it will be a query string parameter of the notification URL sent as part of the payment payload when the PaymentService sends a request to Genesis. When the payment will be finalized and the emerchantpay API will send a notification, this unique ID will be used to identify the record data of the form and update the status.
e. Consumer Details → the available properties that can be sent with the payloads are: Email, FirstName, LastName, Address1, Address2, ZipCode, City, State, Country, Phone, but the merchant can choose which of them are required to be sent with the payment payload by specifying them in the MappingFields setting.