My new job at Umbraco HQ
Hello world 😉 My name is Robert and I am one of the newest additions to the development team here at Umbraco HQ. My job is to assist Claus, Developer at the Night’s Watch, to make Umbraco CMS the best it can be, so you can enjoy it even more than you already are.
As I am quite new and not everything makes sense to me right now, I am mainly working on minor issues to help me get started. But hey, I’ve already done some improvements in the first week so, go me! 😁
That being said, I am looking forward to see and hear from you guys on the forum, issue tracker or maybe even in person.
But who am I, really?
I’m a 27 years old dude, and I come from Romania, where I lived most of my life in a city called Calarasi. After I finished high school, I tried my chances in a career as a lawyer, because lawyers are cool and stuff you see... let’s just say that after a year of studies the law wasn’t really on my side… ha ha, get it?

Anyway, shortly after that fiasco, I decided to stop and rethink my life a bit and do something that I liked for a change, and what I liked was computer stuff. I know, pretty broad term, right?
After researching for a while, an AP degree in computer science sounded pretty good as it had all of the topics that I was interested in, and more. As in why Denmark, well… free education and happiest country in the world, need I say more?
Plants, plants, plants
Shortly after that I found the chance to work as a student in a greenhouse... “but Robert, you said you wanted to be a computer science guy, what happened?!” Well, even though the education is free, living in Denmark is not, therefore I needed a job.
During my time in the greenhouse, I learned how to grow plants, pack plants in boxes, water plants, spray plants, plants plants plants, you get the point. Plants aside, I drove a tractor for the first time and learned how to drive a forklift, how cool is that? 😎

After two and a half years of plant related work, I could finally do what I set myself to do, and it went pretty well if I can say so myself.
Love, games, sports
In total I have been living in Denmark for four years now with my fiancé Maria. We got engaged a few weeks ago, asked her next to a lighthouse in the evening, very romantic 😊, and we plan to get married later this year.
When I’m not in school or working on a project, I like to explore Denmark. I find exploring and observing nature quite a relaxing activity, especially when the Danish “wildlife” is at its peak and you can find something interesting to look at.

When there is time, I enjoy playing video games, mainly RPGs (any Gothic fans around?), and from time to time trying to develop one as well but it usually goes nowhere, as every time I try to build a project, I usually bite more than I can chew. MAKING GAMES IS HARD! 😳
I am not a sports guy, but I used to play baseball in high school, loved that game, I wish I had someone that could play catch with me from time to time... Asked Maria, but she’s not into it… Maybe I can ask the guys to make an Umbraco Unicorn baseball team 🤔
Even though I’ve only just started here at Umbraco HQ, I’ve had an awesome time working with some really awesome people and can’t wait to know them even better and be a part of the Umbracians, and of course you, our community. Stay awesome and see you around!