But what I discovered was that once I spent all day in school on it, when I got home I wouldn’t touch or feel interested in it anymore…at least, not like I was with programming and coding. Even after working a whole day coding a website using Javascript to make some cool sliders or animate some elements, I never really got tired of it. It just happened naturally.
So right at the instant I realized that, I knew what I wanted with my life. I set a goal and made myself a learning path filled with materials, documentation, and videos on exactly how to reach my goal of becoming a frontend developer.
It was perfect, I thought, as I had gained a lot of designing and usability experience from my previous path. All that education would certainly still be very useful for my new way forward. Now I just had to catch up, and so I set on learning more advanced JavaScript, Vue.js, Sass, TypeScript, and more to come.
That’s how I ended up with an apprenticeship at Umbraco. I’m now helping with migrating the Cloud Portal over to the new web components based frontend techstack and as well improve the UX and polish up the UI.