
Welcome to the family: mindrevolution becomes Umbraco Gold Partner

Presenting our newest Gold Partner from Germany

This agency has been developing Umbraco solutions for the last 12 (!) years. Yes, the Stuttgart-based mindrevolution stuck with the friendliest CMS from the days Umbraco was first launched. And today we’re proud to also call mindrevolution our Gold Partner. They’ll tell you more about why decided to pursue the partnership:

Who we are

Hello, we’re mindrevolution 😉 We are headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, a city that’s home to engineering, be it transportation, textile or construction.

Our company has deep web roots. Founded in 1997, we’ve been building websites ever since. That made us the first point of contact for companies big and small, companies that were seeking a partner that knows its (tech) stuff but is unique in a way as well.

Our combination of know-how, problem solving, commitment and personal identification with the clients’ projects and success are what make mindrevolution unique.

With a small team of around 10 we are focused on enhancing Umbraco with interfaces and central hubs for internal and external data to enable sophisticated websites, service portals, web applications, mobile apps as well as speech, bot and IoT scenarios and the likes. Our clients love our Umbraco-based content infrastructure that allows them to create and edit content in one place and to publish it everywhere.

How long we’re with Umbraco?

We’ve been developing Umbraco solutions since 2005, the first client site was on version 2.1 (in 2006). That’s about 12 years!

We initially decided on Umbraco because the options at that time were limited if you wanted something flexible and customizable, something with the possibility to freely craft your markup and style and not forcing some HTML structure on you or such.

“But the most important question is: why did we stay with Umbraco for so many years? Because Umbraco has proven to be able to innovate and change while not alienate developers and editors alike. It sticks to its roots while embracing new tech and new ways of doing stuff.”

- Marc Stöcker, Founder and Managing Director, mindrevolution

You could maybe even say that Umbraco is a proven platform that isn’t collecting dust by not moving - like „keep the fire, not the ashes“. It never misses out on important web trends but also never jumps too quickly aboard short lived hypes.

What do we love about Umbraco?

It’s flexible and easy to integrate – either as the leading system/CMS or alongside existing systems. You can build amazing things with it out of the box already, not even talking about the amazing packages that lead to lower implementation costs especially for demanding „special-purpose“ sites, which are our main business.

We also like Umbraco’s visually simplistic approach to the backoffice and that most editors can more or less just jump in and have great results instantly. Since Umbraco 6 the interface and APIs got so much better and with Umbraco 7 many more new possibilities opened up, while the overall entry level stayed low; meaning that Umbraco was still easy to start with (ie. for new coworkers) while dedicated developers could easily integrate even the most complex systems with it.

Why did we become a Gold Partner?

As we strengthened our expert role in autumn of 2018 and focused on websites with data integration and overall more complex functionality, we realized that one of the most important tool in our arsenal was Umbraco – and has been for years and years. According to our Founder and Managing Director Marc Stöcker:

“In the middle of a talk I was having with Umbraco’s founder Niels in London (at a UK Festival) I just said to him: You know what, I think we should just become a Gold Partner. What seems to be said in a mood actually really makes a lot of sense, because we love Umbraco, we have been a member of the community for over 10 years, I have spoken at various Umbraco festivals, we provided fixes and language files, mindrevolution also started the first regular Umbraco meetup in Germany, you name it.

But it wasn’t until that moment, that I realized how important Umbraco really is to us – and how important it is for us to show this to the outside world (clients, potential clients, employees, candidates and other community members).”

Besides all the hands-on benefits like access to Umbraco HQ Support and lead generation, we hope to strengthen Umbraco’s role in the German market.

The Umbraco Community is much greater that just the “goldies”; but mindrevolution wants to be part of the inner circle that makes Umbraco sustainable not only as an idea but in reality.

Another point is, that our clients did receive us as Umbraco users, but often never realized that we are much more than that, more as Umbraco ambassadors. Simply put: if we’re recommending that companies base their digital solutions (which often is their entire business, or at least a big part of it) on Umbraco - we’d better be committed to Umbraco as well! Otherwise that doesn’t make any sense to our clients, right?

“mindrevolution is definitely no stranger when it comes to Umbraco. I am happy to see that after over a decade of sharpening their Umbraco skills they are coming onboard the Gold Partner club!”

- Anders Trans Sørensen, Major Friend Maker, Umbraco HQ


Would you like to have a chat with mindrevolution? Visit their Gold Partner page.

You can also learn more about what it means to be an Umbraco Gold Partner.