Package Templates
You may have seen a teaser Tweet from the Package Team Twitter account showing a scaffolding tool that helps you set up a fresh Umbraco site for package development by running a single command. It also allows you to add, for example, a dashboard with one command, so you can scaffold the thing you want really quickly.
The project is still young, but I recommend anyone interested in this to stop by the repo and take a look at it. Or you could go ahead and install the NuGet package right away and set up a site 😉
You can install the NuGet package like this:
dotnet new --install Umbraco.Tools.Packages.Templates::0.2.0
It currently has a dashboard item, Github action for building, packing and deploying your package and a Gulp script that watches the App_Plugins folder and adds changes to your website project for instant testing.
These templates can do way more things, and we hope the interest and demand for them are there so we can continue to add more examples and items to it!
Here is a preview of creating a fresh site with a dashboard and a github action: