The festive image shown is also managed in Heartcore. To allow Alexa to show the image, there is some configuration required, on Heartcore this just worked!!
Check out my example here
I am not a Javascript developer in my day to day coding but based on understanding how skills work and using the Heartcore docs, I was able to set this up quickly.
Blazor App
For .Net core developers, the Umbraco team has provided sample console and MVC solution built in core in the client libraries repo. I decided to try and build in Blazor, another framework for building webapps in .Net core.
Recently at DUUG Fest, I gave a talk on integrating Blazor with Umbraco where I had built my own custom WebAPI endpoints for content, so I was interested in seeing the alternatives.
As with many single page app frameworks, I can see Blazor apps being used to call APIs to give interactive experiences to users, so Heartcore seemed like a good fit for providing this data.
To prototype this, I set up the Blazor sample site and added services to get the code from Content delivery API and present that on the frontend of the website. This is a very basic example but it shows how to integrate Heartcore to Blazor.
I have added my example to .Net client library samples
What was really cool for me was how quickly I was able to implement a demo in each of these use cases.
I already had experience in both Blazor and Alexa skills, so I was able to integrate Heartcore relatively easily, which I suppose is the beauty of not being tied to a framework or worrying about building the APIs. You can get straight into using the tech stack you are used to.
I ❤ Heartcore?
So far I think Heartcore is pretty cool! As with everything, I will need to use it on a project to see it’s real life pros and cons, but I think it has real potential.
For me, it’s power will be allowing Umbraco to reach users and developers outside the .Net ecosystem.
I am super excited to see all the cool stuff people build with Heartcore.
We already see so many innovative things in the community built with Umbraco, so this will allow that to happen in an even friendlier way, by including even more for developers and clients!