We've removed the "Applies to" property on the workflow configuration tab, simplifying the configuration process. Instead, you can set the workflow type in the user-friendly UI as part of your submission process, making it more intuitive and less confusing.
Content Review Improvements
In this release, we've focused on improving the content review functionality. You can now set the global review period to zero, marking all content as non-reviewable, while still being able to set individual review periods for specific content items. This gives you the flexibility to tailor your content review process to your specific needs.
Additionally, we've introduced a new feature that allows you to set external reviewers. This is incredibly useful when you need feedback from stakeholders who are not CMS users. Simply provide their email addresses, and they will receive prompts to visit the site and provide feedback on the content.
We've also made it easier to manage content review settings by splitting the save process into two options: save and save & regenerate. You can now choose a baseline date, either the current date or the last-updated date when calculating the next review date. Plus, you can decide whether to force the regeneration of existing review dates.