
uProfile January 2024 - Jack Chamberlain

Unveiling Jack Chamberlain: A Journey Through Umbraco and Beyond

Written by: Jack Chamberlain

Meet Jack Chamberlain, a Senior Developer hailing from Southampton, UK, working for Initials CX. With three years of experience in the world of Umbraco, Jack has not only immersed himself in the intricacies of web development but has become an integral part of our vibrant Umbraco Community. In this month's uProfile, we dive into his journey with Umbraco, his contributions to the community, and his aspirations for the future.

  • Name: Jack Chamberlain
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Company name: Initials CX
  • Role: Senior Developer
  • Country/region: Southampton, UK
  • Working with Umbraco for: 3 years


Jack Chamberlain

How It All Began: My Umbraco Community Inception

My journey into the Umbraco Community started with late-night forum scrolls and immersive sessions with Paul Seal's enlightening YouTube videos. The real turning point, however, was at Codegarden in 2022. It wasn't just about dipping my toes into the community; it was a full plunge into the deep end of in-person events. Prior to this I don’t think I appreciated how close the community was, but since then I’ve really loved attending community events whenever I get the opportunity!

Contributions and Community Involvement

Beyond being an active participant, I find joy in co-organizing the Umbraco Surrey meetup. Our goal is to establish a more regular cadence, and I'm excited to announce the next meetup is in January 2024, keep an eye on our meetup page to find out dates. It's my way of fostering connections and expanding the Umbraco spirit right in my local community.

Jack Chamberlain

Fond Memories and Proudest Moments

Reflecting on my favourite memory, CODECABIN 2022 stands out (not just because Lucy is asking me these questions!). It wasn't just about talking tech and gaining insights into Umbraco and everything around it; it was about forming deep connections. It was so much fun getting to know so many people better than I ever could chatting to them at a conference. It was really interesting to participate in so many Umbraco conversations and learn from each other.

I should also mention attending Codegarden '22, it really was a wild ride. Speaking of wild rides, I really should give an honourable mention to riding around Odense on an electric scooter! It was so much fun!

The People Keep Me Coming Back

Sure the tech is great, Umbraco really is the Friendliest CMS. It's so easy to work with and makes developing for clients an absolute breeze. But for me, what keeps me coming back and staying loyal to the tech, is the Community. And the heart of the Umbraco Community lies in its people. The friendships forged through work, community events, and online interactions turn each Umbraco gathering into a joyous reunion. The warm welcome and their willingness to help one another by sharing knowledge has certainly helped me along the way.

Group photo of the CODECABIN 2022 cohort, including jack Chamberlain. It's a sunny day and they're all outside on the deck outside the cabin-like venue. People are smiling and pulling funny poses for a humorous group photo.

Current Endeavours and Tips for Newcomers

Currently, I'm diligently working on establishing a more regular schedule for the Umbraco Surrey meetup, after a couple of successful events last year. In my spare time, I'm exploring a headless setup, delving into Svelte and Astro with the Umbraco content delivery API, so that's been a fun challenge.

Going forward, I’d love to start making code contributions to Umbraco and maybe get to grips with creating packages. I know there’s tons of resources out there on how to do this, I just need to break the ice and get the first contribution out of the way! I missed taking part in last year's Hacktoberfest but maybe it can be my New Years resolution. 

Having reflected on some of the help and advice I was given during my initiation into the world of Umbraco and it's community, I'd like to share some things that really helped me, in the hope it might help someone else embark on a journey to contributing and being involved with the Community.

  1. One of the best things about there being so many events setup by Umbraco/the community is it makes them accessible for everyone. There are lots of local and online events that are free of charge and they’re great for meeting people and talking all things Umbraco! (Come to the Umbraco Surrey meetup!)
  2. Try and chat to as many people from the community as possible whether that’s online through the Our forum, X (Twitter), Discord, Mastodon or in person. You never know when the right person will come along to help you answer a question or who might need help working on a project you’d like to get involved in.
  3. If you like learning from videos then do checkout the Umbraco Learning Base or Paul Seal’s YouTube videos! They’ve been a great help to me.
Jack Chamberlain speaking on the live UmbraCoffee episode at Umbraco UK Festival in 2022, on stage with UmbraCoffee presenters, Callum Whyte and Marcin Zajkowski

The Accidental Web Developer and Other Interesting Facts

I wasn't always planning on becoming a web developer, you know. I only ended up being in web development by accident. I was working as a trainee air traffic controller at the beginning of the pandemic, but, while on furlough, decided to try my hand at building a website and before I knew it I turned down an offer to return to aviation and was instead starting my apprenticeship in web development! Thank you to Paul Marden at Carbon Six for taking me on and showing me the ropes!

I do require a constant supply of tea to keep me going, but more recently I’ve made the mistake of buying an espresso machine, so these days I spend an awful lot of time pressing buttons and moving dials to get something that resembles coffee. (Any tips greatly appreciated)

I love cooking and baking, both my partner and I would describe ourselves as foodies. My favourite meal is almost any pasta dish and I make a pretty good Carbonara if I do say so myself.

I love listening to music, audiobooks and podcasts while I work. At the moment, I’m listening to “Undoctored” by Adam Kay, if you like a funny autobiography, it’s a great listen! I am also somewhat of a Swiftie! I am unashamed to say my top artist on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped is Taylor Swift.

I am enamoured by the world of luxury travel. I often find myself watching videos from luxury travel bloggers, documenting their journey onboard luxury cruise ships, delightful island resorts and traversing the continents in style. So I think a bucket list item for me would be a luxurious trip, perhaps on The Orient Express. Might need a lottery win first though!

And speaking of things that cost a fortune... We got a puppy last year, Nugget the Golden Retriever, and I often find myself jealous of him, a sweet little freeloader who sleeps for 20 hrs a day, eats and generally makes a nuisance of himself, what a life!

Jack Chamberlain holding Nugget, his Golden Retriever, while on a sunny walk, surrounded by green trees

Stay in touch!

I mainly use X (Twitter) , Mastodon and LinkedIn - feel free to connect.


Is there someone you'd like to nominate for a uProfile?

Do you know someone who deserves a spotlight on their Umbraco journey? To nominate a friend, peer, or colleague, reach out to Lucy Brailsford in the DevRel Team at and explain why!