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Case study

Baker Tilly International (BTI)

Unifying an international brand under a single, scalable, and flexible CMS

Baker Tilly International (BTI) is the 10th largest accountancy firm in the world. The firm is comprised of 740 offices and operates in 148 territories. With a presence so expansive, and with offices approaching the thousands, BTI was having difficulty uniting under a consistent brand and its member firm websites were falling into disuse and disrepair. BTI came to ClerksWell seeking help in developing a new main international website and unifying all of its individual member firms under consistently designed and organized websites. ClerksWell advised BTI to opt for the Umbraco CMS for both its ease and friendliness of use as well as its excellent scalability; a feature particularly important for a project of this size. See how ClerksWell made it all happen 👇

Skills used

  • Design
  • Integrations
  • Support


  • Finance

Partner doing the case

✅ uptake in online engagement     ✅ improved website UX      ✅ intuitive user journey

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How it all started 

BTI had several issues with their old setup. Their main website was sluggish and irresponsive to the point where editors could not publish new content. Moreover, all of the BTI member firms were operating with separate websites and under different branding. These factors made it difficult for customers to navigate their website, which contributed to lower online engagement.

The BTI websites required a complete graphical and operational rehaul. Alongside the rebranding, the firm needed to set up a system whereby all members could access and share information across the backend, but also one where BTI, as the umbrella entity, would maintain sole governance and control of it. 

BTI was looking for an engaging, visually appealing, and modern website that was intuitive for users to navigate, directing users to relevant member firms via a global directory. Further, it was required that the solution would be completed under tight time constraints.

BTI Case Study 4

The way to success 

ClerksWell began by consulting BTI on their hosting solution and choice of CMS for the website. It was decided that BTI would stay with Umbraco, but upgrade to the latest version. Once the basics were agreed upon, formal developmental works on the website itself began by planning and defining the Information Architecture (IA) of the new website.

After this stage, ClerksWell and BTI’s brand agency worked together to create the website’s user experience (UX). Using the brand agency’s rebranding concepts, ClerksWell conceived and drew up the wireframes for the website in accordance with the IA. With those wireframes in place, the brand agency was able to develop the website’s graphical elements.

BTI Case Study 2
BTI Case Study 3

ClerksWell developed the backend using the Umbraco CMS. The backend appears as one master website from the perspective of the CMS. However, the backend consists of a sole content editor organizing each member website, which is mutually accessible with read-only privileges.

This setup ensures that, while member firms can make edits to their own website, share information, and read the content of other member firms’ websites, BTI can make more executive changes or modifications to member websites if required.

Under the time constraints set by BTI, ClerksWell was able to deploy 36 websites in one evening, with the remaining websites going live shortly afterward.

Results that last 💪

The upgraded and redesigned BTI website, alongside the consistently designed member firm websites, resulted in a significant uptake in online engagement with BTI. The UX of the website(s) was significantly improved, with an intuitive user journey leading from the main website to the individual member firm websites. 

BTI refreshed their image and got unified under one redesigned brand and one CMS. Three years later, ClerksWell is still supporting BTI with their current set-up.

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