Get a head start with Umbraco 14

  • Management API ✔️
  • Extension API ✔️
  • Modernized Backoffice ✔️
  • Improved Tooling and Performance ✔️
  • Service Layer Improvements ✔️

Umbraco 14 is the current active version of Umbraco - available on Umbraco Cloud and NuGet.

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Umbraco 14 Architecture Overview 1200X800px

Main Features

This major version of Umbraco CMS brings a host of innovative updates

New Management API

A new RESTful API that enhances communication between the backoffice and backend, expands headless capabilities, and makes it simpler to integrate with external systems and custom applications.

Modernized Backoffice 

Rebuilt from the ground up using Web Components, TypeScript, and the Umbraco UI Library, Umbraco 14 offers a future-proof and highly customizable user interface. With an unparalleled developer experience to boot.

Features and improvements in Umbraco 14

Extension-first Approach

With Umbraco 14's "Extension First Strategy," the platform is designed for easy customization. This enables businesses to quickly adapt the CMS to their specific operational needs and integrate seamlessly with other enterprise systems.

What you also get with Umbraco 14

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

The completely redesigned Backoffice is built to enhance user experience and workflow efficiency. This translates into less time spent on routine content management tasks and more time on strategic activities that drive business growth.

Robust Stability and Improved Performance

Improvements and consolidation of backend processes not only improve performance but also enhance security and compliance with modern data handling standards, crucial for enterprises concerned with protecting user data and meeting regulatory requirements.

Enhanced Scalability and Reliability

Umbraco 14 introduces significant enhancements in testing and API stability, which means reduced downtime and more reliable performance under varying loads. This is vital for businesses that depend on their digital presence for sales, customer engagement, and operational continuity.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

By removing outdated functionality and focusing on a more maintainable and efficient codebase, Umbraco 14 aims to reduce the need for frequent and costly maintenance, allowing resources to be allocated towards generating value rather than upkeep.

Prepared for Future Growth

Plans for advanced features like improved caching signify that Umbraco 14 is being designed with future scalability in mind, ensuring the CMS can handle increased traffic and content volume without degradation in performance.

Bell Plus

The Latest and Greatest Features

Umbraco 14 is the active version of Umbraco with new features and functionality until Umbraco 15 is released in Q4 2024. Following this, Umbraco 14 will continue to get 9 months of bugs, regression, and security fixes followed by a final 3 months of security fixes. 

By having your website/project on an STS version, you can take advantage of the cutting-edge features and be sure it's safe for 12 months without any breaking changes. Being on the latest version also provides an easier upgrade to the next major release. If you need longer support without major upgrades, Umbraco 13 is the current Long-term Support version and will provide coverage until Q4 2026. 

Learn about Umbraco LTS and EOL

Release overview
Umbraco 14 Launch Thumbnail

Get started with Umbraco 14 today

Umbraco version 14 was released on May 30, 2024, and is available on Umbraco Cloud and NuGet.

If you want to dive further into the Umbraco 14 benefits, you can find this in the Umbraco 14 release blog post and the release note here

If you're new to Umbraco and curious about how you get the best start, feel free to contact us to get off to the very best start:


Book a Discovery Call with us 


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