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What to look forward to for CG18 day 3

Things have changed a bit... for the better! 😃

Vera Green
Written by Vera Green

If you’ve been to Codegarden before, you’re probably thinking “Open Space”. But no. For 2018 we’re doing things a bit differently. It will be a day packed with energy, conversations and solutions that you’ll find highly relevant and rewarding. Well, we’re not turning things completely upside-down as the key ingredient for day 3 remains the same…

Participation ❤️

If you’ve participated on day 3 of Codegarden before, you’re probably thinking “Woo-Hoo!”, as you have experienced the immense value of participation and sharing among Umbraco peers. In previous feedback, many of you have even called day 3 your favourite day.

But we also know that for some of you, the word “participation” will make you want to turn on your heel.

Senior developer, Kenneth Jakobsen, was also a bit sceptical about day 3…but he participated anyway and was pleasantly surprised:

As mentioned, CG18 day 3 will be different so please, stay put and discover more about this renewed day 3:

Introducing: Open Circle Open Hallway Talks!

We’re replacing the open circle concept with something resembling the BarCamp concept (it means open, participatory events, the content of which is provided by participants). A concept of self-organising character, relying on the passion and the responsibility of the participants. For CG18 you’re able to suggest and vote on the group-discussion topics of day 3 both before and during Codegarden, making sure we have a highly relevant schedule ready filled with great topics.

The Open Circle from CG17.


What sort of topics?

That’s where your participation comes in - suggest one! A topic you’d like to pick other experienced and talented Umbraco brains about; how to create a package? How to make the most out of a specific feature? How to start a meetup? How best to sell Umbraco to your clients? How to establish a better work/life balance? If you’ve been wondering about something, you’re most likely definitely not the only one...

One of the many group discussions at CG17


That’s the beauty of day 3. You are in a room with the highest possible concentration of Umbraco experience, knowledge and ideas - and you get to ask your questions, talk about solutions, best practises and learn the dos and don’ts from Umbraco peers. And also feel the rewarding power of giving back with your own knowledge.  

The beauty of learning from talented Umbraco peers will stay the same for CG18

And there’s more...

The happenings of day 3

Actually, the entire day 3 will be structured differently. No flipping cars (well, who knows 😅), no casual schedule. Just like day 1 and day 2, day 3 will be one not to miss, one to look forward to.

We acknowledge that some of you might have been up a bit late the night before… might have had some looong important talks with fellow Umbracians or giraffes whilst enjoying a beer... that’s why at 9:00 A.M. on the 25th of May, we’re opening the brand new EnergyBar! A bar offering brain-snacks and beverage that’ll get you through yet another amazing Codegarden day.

Delicious coffee will of course also be available on day 3... if that's your precious wake-up-potion 

After stocking up on your favourite energy-snacks we got another refreshment ready for you on the main stage at 9:30; Alexander Kjerulf.

Alexander AKA The Chief Happiness Officer will make sure to get you off to a great day with his very fitting keynote; “WTF are we even doing here?”.

Before the participation game really begins, it has already started… ehm.. yes. Because we’ll invite the bravest community members on stage to showcase their clever “BetaGarden” projects.  Don’t know what BetaGarden is? Don’t worry, a follow up blog post will explain more soon, but in short it’s a way for community people to showcase cutting edge Umbraco things such as packages and integrations.

And then the participation-game begins!

The BarCamp concept will be explained and then you’re free to choose to participate in whatever discussions that interest you (more info on how to suggest topics will come right before Codegarden)

At the end, the outcome of the different discussions will briefly be shared on stage and finally, we’ll say our thanks, farewells and give the final high-fives whilst sharing that last beer with your new and old Umbraco pals…

Expect lots of enjoyable and interesting chit-chat with new and old Umbraco pals from all over the world. 


Wow, what a day, right? 😃

If you don’t want to miss all of that, and don’t want to miss the day 1 focused on the business side of Umbraco as well as day 2 with a strong focus on in-depth technical topic, well, then you’d better:


See you? 😄 We sure hope so !