How to get started
Follow these instructions to install a new Umbraco .NET core solution using a dotnet template.
First of all, please check the prerequisites list:
- .Net Core 3.1 SDK
- SQL connection string (MS SQL Server/Azure) unless you want to install using SQL CE (Compact Edition) (more details below)
To use the new alpha release, you will need to insert a custom NuGet feed to your sources. This can be done in a command prompt of your choice:
dotnet nuget add source "" -n "Umbraco Prereleases"
Once this feed is available as a NuGet source, you can install the new Umbraco dotnet template:
dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::0.5.0-alpha001
Now that the Umbraco template is available, you can create a new empty Umbraco solution:
dotnet new umbraco -n MyCustomUmbracoSolution
This creates a new project with the name: MyCustomUmbracoSolution. You can now open the newly created project in your favourite IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or continue using the CLI (Command Line Interface) commands.
In CLI the project can be built by navigating to the newly created folder and running the build command:
cd MyCustomUmbracoSolution
dotnet build
At this point, the project is ready to be executed:
dotnet run
Even though there is no text in the console, the solution is now running on the Kestrel server, it will be available on the default ports: http://localhost:5000 and https://localhost:5001.
By default, Umbraco installs without SQL CE support, due to the Windows-only limitation. SQL CE can be added by creating the project with the following command:
dotnet new umbraco --UseSqlCe -n MyCustomUmbracoSolution