Umbraco 8 End-of-Life (EOL)

Umbraco 8 will reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on February 24, 2025. After this date, security patches and updates will no longer be provided, which may leave your site vulnerable to security risks and compliance issues. It is important to understand the implications of continuing to use Umbraco 8 post-EOL and to explore your options for maintaining security and compliance.

Sign up for an EOL session

How long will Umbraco 8 be supported?

If you are working with Umbraco 8, you are free to continue using this major version until you choose to upgrade to or rebuild on a supported version. 

  • Umbraco 8.18, the final minor version of Umbraco 8, was released on February 24th, 2022. The minor will be supported for 24 months, until February 2024.
  • After that, it will enter the security-only phase for an additional year where we will only fix security issues and release security updates.
  • At the end of the security-only phase, Umbraco 8 will reach the end-of-life (EOL) date. EOL for Umbraco 8 is February 24th, 2025.

We do not recommend using Umbraco 8 after it has been considered EOL.

You can read more about our general long-term support and end-of-life policy here.

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What about Umbraco Cloud?

Once a major version of Umbraco has entered the security-only phase, you can no longer create new projects (this also includes baseline children) on Umbraco Cloud.

For Umbraco 8, this means that:

  • You can no longer create new sites or use the baseline functionality to create sites based on Umbraco 8 as it has entered the support-only phase
  • We will support your existing Cloud projects on Umbraco 8 until its EOL date, February 24, 2025, three years after the final Umbraco 8 minor was released. 
  • You can continue to run Umbraco 8 sites after the EOL date

What Does End-of-Life Mean?

When a software version reaches its EOL, it means that it will no longer receive updates or support from the developers. For Umbraco 8, this includes critical security patches and technical support. Continuing to use Umbraco 8 after EOL can expose you to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues.

Can I use Umbraco 8 after the EOL date?

Technically, yes - but we no longer recommend using Umbraco 8 after it reaches the EOL phase. If you decide to continue using a major that has reached end of life, you may run into some issues.

Consequences of Using EOL Software

Using software that has reached its EOL can have serious implications, including:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Without security updates, your site may be exposed to new vulnerabilities and exploits.
  • Compliance Risks: Many industries have strict compliance requirements. Using unsupported software can lead to non-compliance.
  • Operational Instability: EOL software can become increasingly unstable and incompatible with other systems and technologies, leading to potential downtime and operational disruptions.
  • Lack of Support: If issues arise, you will no longer have access to official support, making it difficult to resolve problems efficiently.
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Your Options Moving Forward

Upgrade to a Supported Version

Upgrading to the latest Long-term Support (LTS) or Standard-term Support (STS) version of Umbraco ensures that you have access to the newest features, performance improvements, and security enhancements. Staying current with a supported version helps you leverage the full potential of Umbraco while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. 

You also benefit from features and improvements in all areas of the underlying .NET framework (ASP.NET Core). New versions of Umbraco take advantage of all the advancements made including cross-platform support, improved speed, lower resource consumption, and much more.

Rebuild on a Supported Version

Rebuilding your project on the latest version of Umbraco ensures that you can take full advantage of modern web technologies and best practices. This approach provides a clean slate, allowing you to optimize your site’s architecture, performance, and security from the ground up. 

Rebuilding also offers the opportunity to incorporate the latest features and integrations seamlessly, enhancing both functionality and user experience. Furthermore, a rebuild ensures your project is future-proofed, reducing technical debt and making it easier to implement updates and improvements over time. By starting fresh, you can ensure a robust, scalable, and maintainable solution that meets your long-term business goals.

Extended Long-term Support (XLTS)

To ensure your site remains secure and compliant after Umbraco 8 EOL, we offer the Extended Long-Term Support (XLTS) program. This program provides continued security patches and compliance beyond the official EOL date, giving you more time to plan and execute your upgrade or rebuild.

Benefits of XLTS:

  • Compliance and Security: Stay compliant with industry standards and secure against vulnerabilities.
  • Extended Planning Time: Gain additional time to strategize and implement your upgrade or rebuild.
  • Access to Umbraco Cloud: Includes a free Standard project on Umbraco Cloud for the duration of the XLTS coverage, facilitating smoother transitions and offering robust tools for managing upgrades.
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Act Now: Sign Up for an EOL Session

To help you navigate this transition, we encourage you to sign up for an Umbraco 8 EOL session. During these sessions, you will receive guidance on your options and how to proceed.

Sign up for an EOL session