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Umbraco Cloud FAQ

Read the most common questions and answers to them below

Here you will find answers to the questions we most commonly hear from people that are wondering about if Umbraco Cloud is the right product for their business. The answers you will find here are of a non-technical nature and are meant to be understandable to anyone interested in Umbraco Cloud.

If you are looking for more technical details, you should visit the Umbraco Cloud FAQ on which is meant for developers and goes into greater technical detail.

If you have questions regarding regional hosting options, jump straight to the Regions section

Can I try before I pay?

Yes, you can take a free trial of Umbraco Cloud and use it for 14 days with no obligation to buy.


Is it a special version of Umbraco CMS that’s used?

No. It's the same as the latest version of Umbraco CMS that you can download.


How do Automated Upgrades work?

We automatically upgrade to the latest patch version of Umbraco CMS (such as 9.4.1). For minor upgrades, you’ll get a button in the interface to decide if you want to move to that version (such as 9.5) on the day of release.

When we make a new patch version, we first run it through our test suite, then test it on 10 test sites (which are copies of “real” customer sites that we’ve been given permission to use). When all that passes, we roll out the upgrade in batches of 100 to customer accounts.

Read more about upgrades here


Can I run my high-traffic site on Umbraco Cloud?

Currently, we have benchmarked a "well built" site with approximately 50,000 unique visitors per day (~1.5mm per month) that performs very well. For business-critical, high-traffic sites, we recommend that you look into Umbraco Cloud Professional and Umbraco Cloud Enterprise possibly in combination with a dedicated server.


Can my site auto-scale?

Currently, auto-scaling is not available but is something we’re investigating as a future feature.


Can I set up a load-balanced Umbraco Cloud site?



How many resources (such as CPU, memory, storage, and bandwidth) does each site have on Umbraco Cloud?

There is no limit on resources, but all regular Umbraco Cloud projects share the same pool of resources. Usually, a site has a low constant resource usage and there is plenty of room for a given site to spike for a period of time.

If you want to know more about dedicated resources, reach out to us.


I want to run many different sites in a single instance to save on cost, can I do this?

We recommend one site/domain per project. But of course, if you have sites that make sense to put together in a single project then that's fine too, for example, multi-language sites. The benefit is convenience, versus stability as all sites in a project share resources.

So, if you use a single instance for multiple sites currently outside of Umbraco Cloud then doing the same within Umbraco Cloud should be fine.

If you decide to run multiple sites within a single Cloud project, be aware that there is a limit to the number of available hostnames. This limit depends on which Umbraco Cloud plan you choose. You can see how many hostnames you can have on our Umbraco Cloud pricing list.



I need to create multiple similar sites. How do I handle this in Umbraco Cloud?

If you have at least one paid Umbraco Cloud subscription, you can use the Baseline functionality to create new projects based on the existing project. Read more about Baselines in the documentation.


Can I use all Umbraco packages on Umbraco Cloud?

Yes, most packages run great on Umbraco Cloud. Look for the “Works on Umbraco Cloud” badge in the Packages section on Our Umbraco.

We use community packages with our current implementation, are they supported on Umbraco Cloud?

Most existing packages work on Umbraco Cloud and we’re constantly working on making support for more.

You can find the current packages that are supported on Umbraco Cloud here.

You are welcome to test the package yourself or contact the package creator to see if they have tried it on Umbraco Cloud.


Can I use custom .NET code?

Yes, you can make your Umbraco implementations just as you're used to, including custom .NET assemblies.

How is Umbraco Cloud different from Azure Web Apps?

The main difference is that compared to Azure hosting a lot of the manual labor of setting up a site is automated or has been made easier.

We provide a lot of extra functionality on top of the Azure hosting and you don't have to worry about managing the hosting infrastructure.

Features such as automatic updates, Baseline, automated encryption and team collaboration features are all included in Umbraco Cloud.

How is my information backed up? Are there redundancies in place?

We are using the LRS plan, which you can read about in the official Azure documentation.

Your website is on 3 redundant disks and we use Premium Storage so all information is on SSDs, which increases performance.

Does the hosting include any 24/7 monitoring?

Yes. We actively monitor the shared hosting platform for resource exhaustion caused by overloaded applications. We isolate overloaded applications to protect the other websites on the shared hosting platform.


Does the hosting include any DDoS protection?

Yes. We use Cloudflare to automatically protect websites from DDoS attacks. Cloudflare automatically blocks DDoS traffic and we inform the customer in such cases. On the off chance that the DDoS attack persists, we can enable managed challenge or block certain IPs.

Is Umbraco Cloud able to support PCI or HIPAA applications?

Azure data centers are PCI compliant. Read more in the official PCI compliance documentation

The service is 100% contained within the data center. There is currently no cloud provider HIPAA compliance. The Azure data center is ISO 27001 compliant which is a superset of HIPAA. Read the official HIPAA compliance documentation.

Can I move my site from Umbraco Cloud?

Of course. Umbraco Cloud uses the very same Umbraco version that you can download and use on your own. So if you decide that Umbraco Cloud isn’t right for you or your sites then you can clone your site, restore your data locally, and delete your Umbraco Cloud project. We’ll be sad to see you go, but also understand there is a huge variety in requirements so support and encourage you in choosing the best solution for your specific site needs.

Can I move my existing site to Umbraco Cloud?

Yes, you can indeed. How easy the move to Umbraco Cloud depends on your current implementation. For more information read our guide to moving an existing site, check out the documentation.

Can we run Umbraco Cloud on-premise?

The infrastructure component of Umbraco Cloud is very large and not something that can easily be managed on-premise. Thus, we don’t offer it. Part of the deployment and content transfer capabilities can be added to on-premise installations with Umbraco Deploy.

Can I deploy to an on-premise site instead of running my live site on Umbraco Cloud?

Not currently, but it’s a frequent request and something we’ll be looking into.


Where can I keep track of the performance of Umbraco Cloud?

On the dedicated Umbraco Cloud status page, you can find real-time and historical data on system performance. This is also where we announce any upcoming scheduled maintenance and automatic upgrades. This way, you can keep track of what's happening behind the scenes. Find the Umbraco Cloud Status page here where you're also able to subscribe for updates. 

Is it possible to add custom tables to the Umbraco Cloud database?

Yes, you can create custom tables in the database. Simply navigate to the connection strings to the databases on the different environments under the menu item connection details in the settings menu. See the full guide in the documentation.


I would love to use Websockets on my site. Is this possible?

Yes, it is! Websockets are enabled on all sites, old and new.

Does Umbraco Cloud include support?

Yes! We can help you with all Umbraco Cloud-related questions, more specifically setting up sites, deployments between environments, and hosting features.

Umbraco Cloud has great documentation and quick how-to videos to help you get started fast and work efficiently. When you need support for your Umbraco work we have the Professional Plan with Support which includes the full Umbraco Support product.





Can I choose which region my projects run in?

Yes, you can choose between:

  • West Europe region (located in the Netherlands)
  • US East Region (located in Virginia)
  • UK South (Located in London)
  • Australia 

How do I select a region when creating projects on Cloud?

You can choose a region when creating a project.


Can I move my existing project created on Cloud in the EU region to the US region?

Yes, you can move a project that was created on Umbraco Cloud in the EU region to the US region by following these steps.


Is there a difference in the price of when choosing between the regions?



Are all the features we have in Umbraco Cloud available in all regions?

Baseline functionality is not supported in the US and UK regions at the moment, we're working on it and will provide the functionality soon. Other than that, all features are fully supported.


Which Umbraco versions are available on Umbraco Cloud?

All the latest supported versions of Umbraco CMS are available on Umbraco Cloud. See the Long-term Support (LTS) and End-of-Life (EOL) page for more information.


Will my sites receive automatic patch upgrades of CMS, Deploy, and Forms when new releases are available?

Yes. The US region is no different than normal Cloud other than its regional location. That means that the patch-upgrade functionality will work in whichever region you choose.


Are you planning to add other regions in the future?

Yes. Once we have specific plans, we will announce them publicly.

Do you have other questions that were not answered above?

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