
Umbraco Product Update - March 2023

Rune Strand
Written by Rune Strand

New releases for Umbraco Forms and Workflow are out with some great features (and release notes!) along with new integrations and patches. Exciting things are on the docket for April as well - it’s time for another Product Update 🚀

A better home for Umbraco Forms and Deploy release notes

Before we dive into the new release, it’s worth noting that there is a new place to find the release notes for both Umbraco Forms and Deploy. You can now find out what’s in the latest releases from the Umbraco documentation site.


We have moved the archive for the last 2 years over as well, so there’s plenty of (searchable) information available. Complete with links to GitHub related to each version.


New releases ✨

Umbraco Forms 11.1 & and 10.3

New minor updates have been released for Umbraco Forms for Umbraco 10 and 11. These releases focus on providing improvements to the form editing and management experience. 

One of the new features allows you to customize the entries list view. So instead of having the columns displayed default to the first three fields and system information, you can now select which fields are the most useful. 

Additional features such as using formatted text and links in submitted messages and emails are also available along with smaller fixes and improvements. More details can be found in the Umbraco Forms 11.1 and 10.3 release blog post.

Released on March 21, 2023.


Umbraco Workflow 11.1 and 10.1

Another round of minor releases have also been made available for Umbraco Workflow. Focussing almost exclusively on providing automated cleanup functionality for workflow history. 

If you’re familiar with the History Cleanup feature from Umbraco CMS, you’ll be right at home here. Fully configurable, with options to set detailed cleanup policies, it ensures you can be compliant, efficient, and well, clean. A detailed description of the History Cleanup feature is available in the release blog post, along with details on a few minor improvements. 

Released on March 7, 2023.


Algolia Integration for Umbraco CMS 1.2.0

New release of the Algolia integration for Umbraco CMS with a content indexing component based on the IDataEditor.PropertyIndexValueFactory property from Umbraco CMS. The component handles the complex data of the Media Picker Property Editor, while being open for extension. You can read more about it in this section of the documentation.

Released on March 13th, 2023.


Umbraco CMS - Cookiebot Integration

A small package providing the ability to load Cookiebot Banner and Declaration scripts into Umbraco sites. The implementation comes with a reusable Razor class library and is an excellent example of how you can create a create packages that provide a lot of value, with little effort. You can find documentation of the usage and flexibility and how to use it as a new custom implementation.

The Cookiebot integration is available on Umbraco Marketplace. . 

Released on March 15th, 2023.


New features for Umbraco Cloud

From today the popular baseline feature for Umbraco Cloud projects has been introduced to all three Umbraco Cloud regions with the addition of the popular baseline feature to both the East US and South UK regions. This means that all regions of Umbraco Cloud are now fully compliant with all features and functionality, giving all Cloud users the opportunity to build multiple Cloud projects based on the same Cloud baseline.

But that’s not all - we’ve also added a simplified way for organization administrators to invite new users to a Cloud project of the organizations and more information about the total bandwidth used for the past months.

Get the full story on all the new features and improvements in the latest Umbraco Cloud release notes.


Security Advisory for Umbraco 8.2+

We’ve published a security advisory to inform you that a medium-severity vulnerability has been identified in Umbraco CMS. The advisory has been published on the blog, and subscribers to the Umbraco Security Mailing List have been notified by mail. 

Patches were made available immediately for supported versions of Umbraco on March 21, 2023. Subsequently, an additional vulnerability connected to the same issue was reported, and we have released an additional round of patches to ensure this is handled as well. All Umbraco Cloud sites running the latest minor have been patched via the automated patch feature. Please refer to the security advisory blog post for details and information on patch availability.

You can read more about how we handle security-related issues at If you want to get notified about security heads-ups and advisories directly, sign up for the Umbraco Security mailing list.


Patch Releases

Patch releases were rolled out for both Umbraco CMS and Deploy. As mentioned above, that includes 2 rounds of security patches for the CMS: 

And some minor issues were addressed for Umbraco Deploy 4.7.4, 9.5.4 10.1.4 and 11.0.2.

Not that the CMS patches include a security fix that details a medium-severity vulnerability detailed in the security advisory blog post


Upcoming releases 💫

Umbraco Deploy 11.1 and 10.2

Minor maintenance release of Umbraco Deploy for Umbraco 11 and 10, mainly ensuring full support for other add-ons. As it is a small release, there will be no release candidate blog post this time around. Details will be added in the release notes and there will be a post for the final release. 

Target release: April 11, 2023


Umbraco CMS 11.3 (final release date postponed)

The next release for Umbraco CMS is on the way and the release candidate for Umbraco 11.3 (and 10.5) is already available. There are a couple of features we’d love to get input on, so if you can run a test or two, that would be highly appreciated.

The release includes updates to the request pipeline, as well as improved indexing of complex data (Property Editors that store JSON), and it would be great to get these changes tested in the wild. There’s also a long list of improvements and fixes, including Inline Macros (Umbraco 11 only), new default telemetry settings, sorting of domain names, and a whole lot more. So there’s plenty to try out.

You can find all the details in the release candidate blog post and the full list in the release notes for Umbraco 11.3 and Umbraco 10.5 respectively. The final release date has been postponed one week due to public holidays.

Target release: April 13, 2023. 


Aprimo Integration for Umbraco CMS

An extension for Umbraco CMS providing a Media Picker for digital assets managed in an Aprimo DAM (Digital Asset Management) workspace. You also get a helper complete with view model for working with the assets in your Umbraco solution including thumbnails, crops, and metadata.

Leveraging the power of Aprimo means increased options for managing media (or digital assets) across all your platforms, with powerful search options and more. 

Targeted release: April 18, 2023. 


Patch Releases

Some minor issues will be addressed for Umbraco Forms in a set of patch releases planned for version 8 and up.  Release notes are available for the new versions: 8.13.8, 9.5.9, 10.3.1 and 11.1.1.

Target release: April 4, 2023

Updates to the Roadmap

Just a few updates for the Product Roadmap to catch up on this time around:


New in “Now”

New Backoffice for Umbraco CMS

This item has been updated with additional information on plan plans for releasing beta versions as early as possible to help package developers get packages ready for the final release. If you were around for the UniCore project (getting Umbraco on to ASP.NET Core) we’re taking a similar approach with an extended beta and release candidate period leading up to the public release along with Umbraco 13 in December 2023. 

We’re targeting end-of-June 2023 for the first beta release. 


New in “Later”

Integration with TrustPilot

We’ve had to remove the item for an official integration with TrustPilot. Should new plans be made we’ll update the roadmap accordingly.


Moved to Roadmap History ✔️

Form editing features for Umbraco Forms

This item has been moved to the product roadmap history with the release of Umbraco Forms 11.1 and 10.4.


… Until next time

A large part of the work we do is inspired by the feedback we get from you. If you find issues or have specific feature requests, you can find the issue trackers for our products on the Umbraco Github account.

If you have product feedback, you’re welcome to reach out to us at