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Umbraco for Healthcare-Sector Solutions

Hello, is it us you're looking for?

When it comes to web foundations, accessibility and customizability go hand-in-hand. To keep up with the latest regulations and features necessary for maximum site accessibility, your website needs to evolve constantly. That's why Umbraco shines where pre-built/rigid solutions prove challenging.

Wondering if our Friendly CMS is the perfect fit for your next project in the healthcare sector? Whether you want to explore specific features or see the solutions of one of our amazing implementation partners in action, we'd love to help you get started.

Let's have a chat

Best of Breed with no technical debt

The debate of ''Best of Breed vs. a Suite CMS'' is ongoing and there's no right or wrong here - Choosing the right tech stack can have a big impact on your business. So what sets Umbraco apart from the rest?

Umbraco logo

Free and open-source

There are no licensing fees, no hidden costs, and no limitations on our open-source version. Instead of spending your budget on licensing fees, you can spend it on actual development of your website. Lovely, isn't it?

We do offer direct support, hosting, and multiple add-on products to make it a stronger platform, but you're also welcome to use Umbraco for an entire implementation lifecycle without ever paying us a dime

Umbraco logo smiley face

Best of breed

There is a reason we mention flexibility and customizability a lot because we've realized there are only so many use cases that can be covered out-of-the-box with any CMS.

Instead of forcing extra features you’d never use into the product, we've built Umbraco on a solid foundation that you can enhance and mold endlessly until it's just right for your goals.

Umbraco code logo

No technical debt

Umbraco is in a constant development cycle from both the open-source Community and Umbraco HQ, which ensures you always have an updated CMS where bugs are squashed regularly.

Plus, any code written by you or an agency partner will never come back to haunt you later on. Using an open-source CMS means you always have access to the code even if you change platforms or agencies.


Adaptability in practice

Implementation by in-house development teams or the right agency plays a big part in what the end result looks like. But there are things you can always count on with Umbraco.

Functional, beautiful, and seamless to update, websites built on Umbraco are used in every sector you can think of, and the healthcare sector is no exception.

Here are a few examples of healthcare-sector websites running on Umbraco:

Open-source or managed?

The open-source version of the Umbraco CMS has been around since 2005 and gives you all of the core features you need to deliver delightful digital experiences to your users. Oh, and it's also free (forever), and if you ever need support for your solution it's available.

But what if you're looking for less administrative work and more time for actual development and content management? Then you should have a look at Umbraco as a managed service in the form of Umbraco Cloud or Umbraco Heartcore.

The power of Cloud

Every project that's successful in the long run needs a solid foundation.

Umbraco Cloud, hosted on powerful Microsoft Azure, is the reliable solution you need to thrive. But it gets even better. Among the dozens of additional features, you can find an underlying theme: Umbraco Cloud was built to save you time, whether the time you would spend upgrading for the latest security and bug fixes or the time saved reusing components from previous projects through baselines.

Would you really rather spend your time on upkeep instead of creating amazing content? We didn't think so.

Show me the power of Cloud

Umbraco cloud laptop
Umbraco heartcore headless

The power of headless

Umbraco Heartcore is our way of helping you make sure your content gets where it needs to be, every single time.

As a headless CMS, Heartcore lets you keep the renowned backoffice interface of Umbraco CMS and allows you to deliver your content to any device using RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and Content Delivery Network. If having a reliable way to send content to the front end of your mobile apps, smart devices, websites, or screens sounds like just the trick, you might want to take a look at Umbraco Heartcore.

Show me the power of Heartcore

Editor-friendly user experience

At the end of the day, the fate of every Content Management System is decided at the altar of "ease of use for the editor." If you’ve read this far, you rock - and you have probably gathered that a great editing experience is something we pride ourselves on.

Umbraco's out-of-the-box editor experience gives you the tools and integrated workflows you need to stay focused on getting your content just right. Let your editors create pages, upload new images, and preview - all without ever losing the context.

This is true if you have ten, 100, or even 1,000 editors. With customizable user roles, versioning, audit trail, and rollback functionality, you’ll always know when a page was published and by who.

And if your editors ask for more personalized tools or workflow improvements, a developer can always extend the backoffice to fit their needs!

Don't just take our word for it

The only reason Umbraco can keep improving at the current rate is thanks to a constant stream of feedback from our community. We collect this feedback in all forms: feature & pull requests, reviews, case studies, and video testimonials. You can see everything the community is saying, good and bad, on our user reviews from the Healthcare Sector here.

g2.com leader badges

Data privacy & security

Umbraco and GDPR? We got you covered. As a company located in the EU, we comply with industry security standards and follow best practices.

The Umbraco CMS is open-source, but only we at Umbraco HQ can approve changes to the core CMS and make them available to everyone through updates. All development is done with security in mind and is regularly tested to ensure any project using Umbraco is safe and secure. Apart from internal testing, we also have an external security company doing thorough penetration testing every 6 months.

If you choose to build your solution on Umbraco Cloud, we've made it even simpler to stay secure. Umbraco Cloud comes with automated upgrades, so all security patches are automatically applied to your project. As the cherry on top, automatic TLS certificates via Cloudflare are standard with Umbraco Cloud.

Umbraco lock


At Umbraco we care a lot about privacy - both for you and your users. When GDPR was enforced, we made improvements to ensure full compliance and to make it simpler for you to handle. You can get more info about Umbraco and GDPR here.

On top of ensuring high levels of security in the core code of Umbraco, we've made it possible for you to implement additional security measures for your website.

Umbraco security features:

  • Hashed passwords
  • Default log-out of backoffice due to inactivity 
  • Built-in security Health-check
  • Support for HTTPS
  • Support for OAuth login system
  • Possible to set-up password rules
  • Possible to implement two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Possible to implement single sign on (SSO) 
  • Possible to use custom OAuth providers such as Azure Active Directory

If you're using Umbraco Cloud, here are some additional features you get:

  • Automated Security updates
  • Automated HTTPS certificate with Umbraco Latch


For further information you can take a look at our security section of our trust center or security documentation.

Yes, we conduct 3rd party penetration testsApart from doing regular internal testing, every 6 months we have an external security company doing thorough penetration testing of Umbraco to detect possible vulnerabilities. Based on the results of these tests we are able to perform any necessary actions.

If any critical issues are found, we follow our internal procedure (see question below).


Besides running our internal tests and 3rd party penetration tests to identify issues, we've made it easy for users to report a vulnerability in Umbraco (click the link to see the procedure in detail).

Once a vulnerability has been identified and it's verified to be a part of the core CMS code, our team will determine the severity level of the issue and escalate it accordingly.

Our procedure depends on severity level, but goes through the same main steps:

  1. Decide what and how to notify our users of the issue without it being obvious how to exploit it (to avoid it being exploited in the wild)
  2. Involve the relevant teams at Umbraco HQ to fix the issue
  3. Communicate to our users that a new security patch is coming, so they're ready to upgrade when it's released
  4. Release the patch and communicate to all of our users that the patch is released

Beyond security, GDPR and UX

As a platform, there's only so much we can do to comply with security and accessibility standards: Ultimately, full compliance will always come down to the implementation - especially when customizing the website to fit your needs like a glove. Umbraco's flexibility makes it a great enabler for developing applications that support any industry-specific technical standards, like OpenEHR and FHIR.

Umbraco HQ also takes the proactive approach even before the first line of code is written. That's why we've made an official security training course that gives Umbraco developers best practices for handling security in Umbraco. The developers who have taken this course are listed on our website, so if you need help from a partner agency, you can check if their developers are well-versed in the ways of our CMS.

Umbraco certified letter

Get the best implementation

Like what you see in the list of features, but don’t have an in-house development team to create such a strong, accessible, beautifully customized website for you? Our Umbraco partner agencies are here to get the load off your shoulders and develop a next-level website for you!

Through partnerships with agencies that are experienced, Umbraco-certified, and up-to-date on their Umbraco knowledge, we can help you get started with an online space that fits your needs.

When you click on our partner agency list, you can select an agency to partner with based on your industry, skills you are interested in, and region. Here is a list of those that specialize in Healthcare.

But if browsing only got you so far and you’d like a helping hand to pick the right agency for you and your project, don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the contact form below - we’re here for you.

Umbraco partner levels

Want to know if Umbraco is a fit for your website?

We're happy to help you out any way we can. Have a question that wasn't answered on this page - or need help finding the perfect partner agency to develop your new site?

Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch soon.


We use this so we can get the right person to contact you, so you get the best possible guidance. You can leave this field empty and tell us about your needs on the phone if you prefer.

Umbraco's Privacy Policy

Here's what happens when you submit the form:

  1. We will reach out to you to set up a time for a call,
  2. We'll have an in-depth 30-minute discovery call, where we'll discuss your specific needs and answer any questions you might have, and
  3. We'll follow up after our chat with the next steps agreed upon in the call. This can be anything from a personal live demo, in-depth answers to your questions, or a quote on a paid plan that fits your needs.Person portrait

Frequently Asked Questions about Umbraco

Umbraco is used by over 731438 active websites worldwide and is used to build all sorts of projects - small and large, public and private.

The fastest and easiest way to try Umbraco is by taking a free 14-day Umbraco Cloud trial. All you need to do is fill out your name, email and choose a password - then we'll create a new project for you in just a few minutes. 

Alternatively you can always download the free open source version of Umbraco and set it up as a local copy or on your own hosting solution.

You can get a demo in 2 different ways:

  1. You can take a 14-day Umbraco Cloud trial, which will have you up-and-running in 5 minutes (no installation required).
  2. Book a live one-on-one demo of the CMS where you will get a walkthrough of the CMS or one of our SaaS products and ask any questions you might have. Find an upcoming webinar right here.

Umbraco is open source and free to install, setup and host for yourself.

If you want us to take care of hosting (and get the extra features) you can choose one of our SaaS products: Umbraco Cloud or Umbraco HeartcorePricing starts from 290 kr./month.

If you need support or have any advanced needs for your project you can also get an Umbraco Support planPricing starts from 45.000 kr./year.